45 Intrusive Thoughts from Dec 2024 to Feb 2025
Selected intrusive thoughts last Dec 2024 to Feb 2025 that I held back from tweeting those times they popped into my head.
4 min readFeb 17, 2025
Updated: March 05, 2025 — included February
December 2024
- Why do people expect character development to happen within a few days when they can’t even do a simple task in a week?
- In the end, a democratic election is just a matter of choosing the lesser evil.
- Twitter is the place where people have long conversation threads of a problem — yet still solve nothing.
- Keep your political opinions to yourself and a very close circle because you’ll never know who are the extremists — extreme right, extreme liberal, extreme left, etc.
- When surrounded by two or more angry oppositions. Just listen. Just be a good judge. Everything will be fine.
- On the surface, it looks like older people are “dumb” for not conforming to rules. But the truth is, at least for most people, the more they get old, the less they care about the “stupid” rules.
- You have seen so much yet have done nothing.
- Malls are dystopian parks.
- Real talk: Filipinos need more ops experts in the Senate and not lawyers.
- When you thought you were unique growing up, only to find out it is just ADHD.
- If judging people is a job, for sure a lot of Filipinos are now billionaires.
- Being disliked is easy. Being disliked by someone you admire or look up to is the difficult one.
- For someone who only had a support group as an adult, there’s a guilt of not pursuing things when everyone is supportive of an endeavor that you want to take a break.
- If a person who is good with their craft bashes you, what does it mean? Does it mean you are worthy of their emotional energy?
- I like it when people see through my bullshit because, I, myself am not aware of it.
- Cultists fear arts and science.
- One thing about participating in a cancel culture is that it makes people feel good about themselves — a dopamine rush; a pretense that they are perfect flawless people.
- “Noise”. Everything that you are not 100% sure of.
- Creatives deal with their “delulu-ness” (Tagalog slang for “delusions”) through creating stories and songs.
January 2025
- Watching the news gives depth to your art. Engaging with meaningful human connection gives color to your art.
- “You should do macro count again” is one of the most frustrating things a gym rat would hear as it means their effort being consistent was futile.
- Making a statement is not a form of taking accountability.
- That moment you realized that you can really “fake it till you make it” if you are both an actor and a writer.
- Messy shits are always worth telling and filming.
- It’s funny as a bisexual woman — to have a high standard in men but not in women.
- Geeking over undiscovered talents.
- Having ADHD as a creative writer is so compatible — you keep writing all the what-ifs instead of things that actually happened, that it makes the stories you wrote so believable to other people.
- Overly righteous people actually make the world a worse place.
- Putting people on the spot will not make the world a better place.
- Prioritize first the things that resonate with you the most.
- Is there a work considered a masterpiece without propaganda? Isn’t it considered as a masterpiece if the piece has moved and/or disturbed people?
- Sometimes the most complex things are explained better with metaphor. Because with metaphor, the biases we have on actual reality are reduced.
- There is nothing cringe in trying hard. Keep trying. Keep practicing. Prove them they are more cringy judging hardworking people.
- Stop worshipping ideologies that weren’t yours — those that you have only heard from people different from your upbringing.
- Shift gear life analogy: High slope downward? Shift gear. High slope upward? Shift gear. What matters is that you drive your life at the right and safe tempo.
February 2025
- Having the same spirituality is romantic. Having to fight for the same fight is romantic.
- Settling in one place but can still outgrow those who keep venturing into other countries.
- One of the perks of someone who has worked with or in the airline and payments industry— you don’t get scared going from one country to another — even if it’s your first time flying solo in an international country.
- Life analogy: Some ingredients aren’t meant to be heated.
- Being a good Samaritan: You will not only be perceived by ill-willed people but there’s no benefit aside from the fact that you’ll attract opportunists who exploit and abuse your means.
- Frustration and disappointment are part of friendship. But making them as a scapegoat? That’s no friendship.
- Not every aesthetically fit gym rats are himbo or bimbo. There are those who just have body dysmorphia that they keep working out.
- It’s not a problem if people are being judgmental. It is their decision and it is very valid. The problem lies if their judgment are based on their unconscious biases.
- If you want to make your life miserable, keep listening to the opinions of people who don’t even know you. Trust me, it works.
- Being a great performer means being able to capture an arrogant crowd. It’s honestly easier said than done especially in the Philippines.