An Advice to Channel Emotional Energy

Azisah (عزي) Domado
2 min readMay 9, 2022


Written in my journal back on October 25, 2019.

When you see that you were subtly deprived of rights, it requires courage to speak up. When you see that they failed to get what you meant, it requires patience to repeat. You always have to consider people’s aptitude i.e. sometimes an elaborate explanation doesn’t work, but sometimes it works better. Regardless, you always need to be straightforward. This is more complex when we talk about community — from the household, neighborhood, workplace, etc. Proper channeling has to be considered if the issue is too specific. But what if you are speaking up for the whole and let’s say it is an urgent matter? Then you have to use more impactful words, or people would deny themselves that they are not who you meant to be. So you start using more provocative language. Expect that there would be people who would get really mad because they would feel that it is about them, that was the purpose after all. But then there would be people who would refute and use something personal about you — relevant or irrelevant. They will immaturely bring these up as if it does help what you were fighting for. Of course, to use personal attacks is the most provoking yet unworthy form of argument, well it does make sense, you used provocative language after all. And it is not totally bad that your flaws are mentioned, at least you know which things you have to improve. Unless, of course, if these flaws were from the past. Worse, if they argue that your right is not a right. That you have to adjust despite the fact that you have been adjusting yourself the whole time. It is atrocious! It is pointless to continue! They won’t see those other things you did! These people would just use these kinds of arguments to conceal and continue their mistakes. They will never listen. So here’s a piece of advice: never engage in an argument with them, better if never engage with them at anything at all, especially, in engaging in things that would let them use this argument or abuse your right. It is not worth your energy.



Azisah (عزي) Domado

Writing on how you can escape precarity when you are a neurodivergent. Public meditation space: